Etsy Shop, Digital Backdrops

So digital backgrounds seem to be becoming quite a big thing in the photography world. I have a studio and figured that whilst it isn’t being used for paying shoots I could create some digital backdrops of my own. Both, to use for myself and to sell. I have, over the past five years amassed a collection of backdrops and props. So I have created an etsy site. I only have one backdrop in the shop at the moment! but throughout the coming weeks I am planning to keep adding more and more.



Above is the digital backdrop. An oval basket on a wooden floor with wallpaper backdrop. Below is the image with a baby added. This is really useful, particularly if baby is fussy and doesn’t want to be moved very much. Then, if the parents have their hearts set on a particular set up, we can still achieve it.  Victoria x


IMG_8452 with baby

Outdoor Photo Shoot in Mells

So I’ve had quite an eclectic week of shoots – i’ve had family shoots, including another 11 people in for a group family shoot. A newborn shoot, photographing a beautiful fabric artwork before it goes off to exhibition and outdoor shoots on Saturday. This is one from Saturday afternoon, I love this because the kids have so much freedom! and I love this family! Apart from the oldest Jonah, I’ve photographed each and every one as babies, over the last 5 years (including baby Chloe who isn’t in shot because she is now walking yet).cullens seewooruttunssn’t walking yet) x

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